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Image Processing Subsystems


Inovision Corporation

Inovision's IC-300 is an analytical imaging system that researchscientists use for real-time (30 frames per second) acquisition,division, and background subtraction. It employs Datacube, Inc.'sMaxVideo 10 pipeline image processor, which consists of five imagingboards. Due to the pipeline design, the boards can handle severaldifferent processes simultaneously and fast.For its imaging operating system, the IC-300 uses Inovision's dsp/os,which supports more than 100 image-processing routines. Included withdsp/os is Inovision's graphical programming environment, ISee.The IC-300 can be integrated with other imaging hardware, such asconfocal microscopes, densitometers, and storage phosphor scanners. TheIC-300 system has eight RS-170 camera inputs, with gain and black-leveloffsets under software control.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VME-based workstation, dual-width to triple-width VME adapter board, Datacube MaxVision image processing boards
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Inovision Corporation
2810 Meridian Pky Suite 148
Durham, NC 27713
Phone: (919) 361-4609
Fax: (919) 361-5876